Academic Council

Academic Council

(1) There shall be an Academic Council of the University consisting of the following members, namely:-
  1.  The Vice-Chancellor ex-officio Chairman;
  2.  Deans of the Faculties;
  3.  one Professor from each faculty to be nominated by the Vice-chancellor;
  4.  one Principal or Director of a constituent college to be nominated by the Vice- chancellor;
  5.  Secretary to the Government of Rajasthan, Medical Education Department;
  6.  Director of Medical Education, Government of Rajasthan;
  7.  Chairmen, Board of Studies;
  8.  two Principals of affiliated colleges, one form Government colleges and another from Private colleges, to be nominated by the State Government;
  9.  two persons having special attainment in the field of the studies not being employees of the University, one to be nominated by the Chancellor and the other by the State Government.
  10.  one teacher, other than the Professors, from a constituent college or University Department having a minimum ten years experience in teaching degree or post-graduate classes to be nominated by the Vice- chancellor;
  11.  one teacher, other than the Principals, from an affiliated college having a minimum ten years experience in teaching degree or post-graduate classes to be nominated by the state Government; and
  12.  the Registrar of the University-Member Secretary
(2)  The term of office of nominated members shall be two years.
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