Board of Management

Board of Management

Constitution and composition of the Board of Management:-

(1) The Board of Management shall be the highest executive body of the University and shall consist of the following members, namely:-

(I)  Chairman-
(a)  The Vice-chancellor of the University.

(II)  Ex-Officious Members-

  1.  The Secretary to the Government of Rajasthan, Finance Department;
  2. The Secretary to the Government of Rajasthan, Medical Education Department;
  3. The Director of Medical Education, Government of Rajasthan;
  4. The Registrar of the University-Member-Secretary;

Explanation:- Ex-officious members mentioned at (a) to (b) shall include their respective nominees who shall not be below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government of Rajasthan.
(III)  Nominated Members:-

  1.  Two persons nominated by the Vice-chancellor from amongst the Deans of the Faculties for one year;
  2. Two University Professors nominated by the Vice-chancellor for one year;
  3. Two eminent educationists to be nominated by the Chancellor for three years;
  4. Two Principals of affiliated colleges, one from the Government colleges and another from Private colleges, to be nominated by the State Government for one year.
  5. Two members of State Legislature to be nominated by the State Government for three years; and
  6. Two eminent educationists, to be nominated by the State Government for three years.

(IV) Elected Members:-

  1. Two teachers of the Universities or its constituent colleges who have put in not less than seven years teaching experience in any institution of higher education in Rajasthan on 1st January immediately preceding the year in which elections are held, other than the University Professors, Deans, Directors of the Colleges of the University, to be elected by the teachers of the University and of its constituent colleges from amongst themselves for three years.
  2. One third of the members of the Board shall constitute the quorum for meeting.
  3. The Chairman of the Board shall perform such functions and exercise such powers as are provided in this Act or as may be prescribed by the Statutes or Regulations.
  4. The members shall serve without any additional pay but shall be entitled to daily allowance and travelling expenses as may be prescribed.
  5. The minutes of meeting of the Board shall be recorded and maintained by the Member Secretary of the Board.

Duties and functions of the Board:- The duties and functions of the Board shall be as follows:-

  1.  To approve and sanction the budget of the University;
  2. To acquire, to dispose of, to hold and to control the property and funds of the University and issue any general or special direction on behalf of the University;
  3. To accept the transfer of any movable or immovable property on behalf of the University;
  4. To administer any funds placed at the disposal of the University for the specific purposes;
  5. To invest money belonging to the University;
  6. To appoint the members of the academic, administrative and other staff of the University in such manner as may be prescribed;
  7. To direct the form and use of the common seal of the University;
  8. To appoint such committees, either standing or temporary as it deems necessary for its ` functioning;
  9. To borrow money for capital improvements and make suitable arrangements for its repayment;
  10. To meet at such times and as often as it deems necessary, provided however, that the regular meeting of the Board shall be held at least once in every three months;
  11. To make Statues, Ordinances and Regulations in the manner prescribed in this Act for smooth functioning of the University; and
  12. To regulate and determine all matters concerning the University in accordance with this Act and the Statutes and to exercise such powers and to discharge such duties as may be conferred or imposed on it by this Act and the Statutes.

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