Examination Committee

Examination Committee

(1) There shall be an Examination Committee in the University, the constitution of which shall be such as may be provided for in the Ordinances.

(2) The Committee shall supervise generally all the examinations of the University, including moderation and tabulation, and perform the following other functions, namely:-

  1. to appoint examiners and moderators and, if necessary, to  remove them;
  2. to review, from time to time, the result of University examinations and submission of report thereon to the Academic Council;
  3. to make recommendations to the Academic Council for the improvement of the examination system;
  4. to scrutinize the list of examiners proposed by the Board of Studies, finalize the same and declare the results of the University.

(3) The Examination Committee may appoint such number of sub-committees as it thinks fit, and in particular may delegate to any one or more persons or sub-committees the power to deal with and decide cases relating to the use of unfair means by the examiners.

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, it shall be lawful for an Examination Committee or, as the case may be, for a sub-committee or any person to whom the Examination Committee has delegated its power in this behalf under sub- section (3), to debar an examine from future examinations of the University, if in its or his opinions, such examine is guilty of using unfair means at any such examination.