Finance Committee

Finance Committee

(1) The Finance Committee shall consist of-

  1.  the Vice-chancellor;
  2.  the Principal Secretary/ Secretary to the Government of Rajasthan, Medical Education Department;
  3.  the Secretary to the Government of Rajasthan, Finance Department;
  4.  the Pro Vice-chancellor, if any;
  5.  the Registrar
  6.  the Controller of Examinations;
  7.  the Finance Officer, who shall also be the Secretary of the Committee.

(2)  A member referred to in clause (b) or clause (c) of sub-section (1) may, instead of attending any meeting of the Finance Committee himself, nominate an officer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government to act on his behalf.

(3)  The Finance Committee shall advise the Board on matters relating to the administration of property and funds of the University. It shall, having regard to the income and resource of the University, fix limits for the total recurring and non- recurring expenditure for the ensuing financial year and may, for any special reasons, revise, during the financial year, the limits of expenditure so fixed and the limits fixed shall be binding on the Board.

(4)  The Finance Committee shall have such other Powers and duties as may be conferred or imposed on it by this Act or the Statutes.