Rajasthan university of Health Sciences, Jaipur organized three days workshop on Basics of Biostatistics from 9 to 11 February 2018. This was the fourth workshop on Research Methodology conducted by Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur with grant from ICMR. The workshop aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skill sets of researchers, teaching faculty and other members of research community.
On the First day of workshop, Dr Sudhanshu Kacker, Vice Dean, Research, RUHS, welcomed the dignitaries, eminent resource faculties and participants and briefed about the objectives and expected outcomes of workshop.
The workshop was moderated by Dr Reshu Gupta, Assistant professor of Physiology, RUHS CMS.
Dr VM Katoch threw light on the expectations from the three day workshop
In the inaugural session, talk was delivered by Dr V Sreeniwas, Professor of Biostatistics, AIIMS, Delhi, on the topic “Introduction to Biostatistics and its application in research”. He explained the basic definition and concepts related to biostatistics and various areas where biostatistics has application.
Second talk session was delivered by Dr Mario Vaz, Professor Physiology, St. Johns’s Medical College, Bangalore, on topic “Problem Identification And Formulation of Research question/hypothesis/study design”. He began his talk by explaining the study design, the characteristics of external and internal validity.
Next captivating session was delivered by Dr NC Jain, Director, Scientist G and Head ICMR, New Delhi, on topic ” Importance of Introduction and Review of Literature in Developing Research/Thesis Proposal. He began his talk by focusing on research output of scientist.
The last session of first day was presented by Dr Mario Vaz on “Introduction to Data Management”. He initiated his talk by putting some light on topics like benefits of planned data management, life cycle of data, ground rules for data collection and data management.
DAY 2 10.02.2018
On the second day of workshop, the first session was addressed by Dr Atul Juneja, Scientist E ICMR, National Institute of Medical Statistics, on the topic “Testing of Hypothesis – Statistical Issues”. Dr Atul explained statistical hypothesis, descriptive and inferential statistics and analysis approaches towards testing of hypothesis.
The second session went on by Dr Tulsi Adhikari, Scientist E, National Institute of Medical Statistics, ICMR, New Delhi, on the topic “Introduction of Descriptive Statistics”. Dr Tulsi talked about descriptive statistics measures, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion and variability which include range and standard deviation.
In addition to the above, Dr Tulsi continued by explaining the statistical terms like coefficient of variation, skewness, kurtosis, their types, normal distribution (symmetrical or asymmetrical) and explained the summarization of data by using descriptive statistics and graphs like bar charts, histograms, pie charts, line diagrams and seatter diagrams.
DAY 3 11.02.2018
The last day was dedicated to a practical training session.
Dr Tulsi Adhikari gave introduction to correlation and regression analysis and its application in health research.
Then there was hands on training of regression analysis using EPI info software.
Dr Tulsi demonstrated the steps to use EPI info software for regression analysis.
The last session was an interactive session between resource faculty and participants.
Felicitation ceremony was carries out with certificate distribution to the participants.
Sector-18, Kumbha Marg, Pratap Nagar, Jaipur,
Rajasthan 302033, India
Email: registrar@ruhsraj.org
Old Website : https://old.ruhsraj.org
Sh. Rao BabuSingh Programmer
Rajasthan University of Health Sciences